Nothing says spring like perfectly clean skin, rosy cheeks and a natural-looking lip. Want to know how to get the look? We’ve got the inside scoop.
Remove Dry Winter Skin
Exfoliation is key in removing all the dead skin that’s built up during the winter months. Spring is the time of year to do chemical peels. Exfoliation is one of the most important techniques that you can perform on your skin to resolve certain skin problems and achieve healthy and glowing skin. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Baroody to see which Chemical Peel is right for you!
Boost Your Collagen
You can prompt your skin to stimulate new collagen year-round, but plump, taut skin definitely adds to that fresh-faced spring look. Microneedling uses a handheld device to create microinjuries to skin. Dr. Baroody uses the Dermapen, which offers the latest, most innovative and most awarded skin needling system in the world.
Hydrate Your Skin
Properly hydrated skin is the cornerstone of healthy skin. When skin is hydrated, it looks better and flaws are less apparent. The skin is a protective barrier for our body to keep moisture in and environmental stressors out. Find out which SkinMedica system is right for you!
Information above provided by New Beauty
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