During your initial consultation, Dr. Baroody will evaluate your general health, evaluate the stretch marks/abdominal scars, determine the extent of subcutaneous fat in your abdominal region, and assess underlying muscle weakness. Be sure to inform Dr. Baroody of your past medical/surgical history, all medications you are taking, allergies to medications, and history of tobacco use. According to your anatomy, the most appropriate body contouring procedure(s) will be recommended. Whether you would most benefit from liposuction alone, abdominoplasty with/without liposuction, or a mini-abdominoplasty, Dr. Baroody will weigh the potential results against the potential risks and offer the procedure right for you. During the consultation, Dr. Baroody and his staff will discuss the anesthesia, facility, and the fees involved.
You will be given specific instructions on how to prepare for surgery, including guidelines on eating and drinking, smoking, and taking or avoiding certain vitamins, and medications. If you smoke, you must quit at least four weeks before your surgery and not to resume for at least four weeks after your surgery. You must also avoid second-hand smoke. If you smoke or develop a cold/infection of any kind, your surgery will most likely be postponed. Whether your surgery is performed on an outpatient or inpatient basis, you should arrange for someone to drive you home after your surgery, and to help you out for a day or two after you leave the hospital, if needed.
Dr. Baroody performs abdominoplasty procedures in both the hospital and outpatient settings. An Abdominoplasty may be performed in New Milford Hospital or the Ridgefield Surgery Center in Ridgefield, CT.
Dr. Baroody performs the abdominoplasty procedure under general anesthesia and will numb the abdomen prior to awaking. Dr. Baroody has also written scientific papers and has given presentations on the use of pain pump catheters which slowly infuses numbing medication (like Novocaine) onto the abdominal wall for 2 days after surgery. The use of this catheter is also an option for those concerned about postoperative pain.
For the first few days, your abdomen will be swollen and you’re likely to feel some pain and discomfort which can be controlled by medication and an optional pain pump catheter. Depending on the extent of the surgery, you may be released within a few hours or you may have to remain hospitalized overnight. And though you may not be able to stand straight at first, you should start walking the night of surgery.
It may take you weeks or months to feel like your old self again. If you start out in top physical condition with strong abdominal muscles, recovery from abdominoplasty will be much faster. Some people return to work after two weeks, while others take three or four weeks to rest and recuperate. Exercise will help you heal better. Even people who have never exercised before should begin an exercise program to reduce swelling, lower the chance of blood clots, and tone muscles.
Vigorous exercise, however, should be avoided until you can do it comfortably. Your scars may actually appear to worsen during the first three to six months as they heal, but this is normal. Expect it to take nine months to a year before your scars flatten out and lighten in color. While they’ll never disappear completely, abdominal scars will not show under most clothing, even under bathing suits.
Abdominoplasty, whether partial or complete, produces excellent results for patients with weakened abdominal muscles or excess skin. And in most cases, the results are long lasting, if you follow a balanced diet and exercise regularly. If you are realistic in your expectations and prepared for the consequences of a permanent scar and a lengthy recovery period, abdominoplasty may be just the answer for you. Abdominoplasty, known more commonly as a “tummy tuck,” addresses three main aspects of the abdomen; skin, subcutaneous fat, and the muscles of the abdominal wall.
Can an Abdominoplasty eliminate “stretch marks” from my pregnancy?
During a standard Abdominoplasty procedure, the skin from the belly button to the pubic hair line is removed. If the stretch marks are located within the area of the lower abdomen, they will be removed. If the stretch marks extend above the belly button, they cannot be removed but rather relocated further down your abdomen.
Call 203.790.5700 today to schedule your cosmetic consultation with Dr. Baroody and see if an Abdominoplasty is right for you!
Thanks for the information. After having six kids, I could probably use a little bit of a tummy tuck. I’ll make sure I follow your tip about being careful after my surgery. I’ll also take good care of the swelling of my stomach. Do you have any other tips?
Definitely have been looking a lot into tummy tuck procedures and what you need to expect during them. That way I will know exactly what I am going to be getting myself into. Really have been wanting to get a procedure done like this for awhile now. Now that all of these things about the whole process, I am a lot more certain about getting the procedure done.
Chris, please give us a call at 203.790.5700 and we can schedule a consultation for you! Dr. Baroody sees new patients every week to discuss options for surgery.
My mom has been wondering if she should get a tummy tuck for some time now. I like how you point out that the procedure will benefit your anatomy. I’m sure she would love to get this done and get rid of some of what she’s carrying! Thanks for sharing this information.
Samantha, please have her call us at 203.790.5700 and we can schedule a cosmetic Abdominoplasty consultation!
Thanks for explaining how the prep, procedure, and recovery go for a tummy tuck. I’m considering getting this procedure before summer, so I should probably do it now so that I can have time to heal. I’ll plan to miss a couple of weeks of work and to skip strenuous exercise for a while.
Noel, Please give us a call at 203.790.5700 and we can schedule a cosmetic consultation for you.
You mentioned that Abdominoplasty, whether partial or complete, produces excellent results for patients with weakened abdominal muscles or excess skin. Do most people with big stomachs qualify for tummy tucks? My cousin has been having a really hard time losing weight since her husband died and is looking for alternatives. Finding a reputable plastic surgeon might be a good idea.
It would definitely be important to find a board- certified plastic surgeon for any surgery. Dr. Baroody would need to evaluate the patient to see if she is a candidate for an Abdominoplasty. Many times, it can be combined with liposuction to get optimal results. Have her give us a call at 203.790.5700 and we can schedule a cosmetic consultation!
After 3 kids, my wife is really self conscious about her body, especially her tummy. I like how you mention that if stretch marks are located within the area of the lower abdomen, they will be removed with a tummy tuck. My wife would definitely appreciate this procedure since it will help her feel like she did before our kids, so I will have to pass this onto her and see what she thinks. Thanks for sharing!
She can always schedule a consultation with Dr. Baroody to have him evaluate her and let her know which procedure would be best to give her the results she is looking for. Please call 203.790.5700
I just want to know the cost of the procedure. I have started to save now. I am 56 years of age and have had this issue pretty much my whole life. I’ve had 4 children, large children 9-10 pounders. I suffer from anxiety and depression and I believe alot of it is because I feel insecure and I have to hide myself under larger clothes so know one can see my tummy. I want to feel like a real person again. I want to feel sexy again. I am recently divorced after 25 years of marriage. I feel my life is passing me by too fast. Is there a payment plan? I could put down a good portion.
We offer financing options (they can be found on our website). This information is all provided at the first consultation appointment. Call today! 203.790.5700!
Thank you for pointing out that it may take weeks or months for you to get back to being your old self. My sister is wanting to get a tummy tuck and I think she should go for it. Hopefully, she finds the right surgeon and is happy with the results.
It sure is nice that you explained how there will be medication that can assist you in managing your pain after the surgery. My wife is really considering getting a tummy tuck surgery a few years after she gave birth to our third child. I think she’s worried about the post-surgery pain, so I’ll be happy to let her know that she will be prescribed with the fitting meds to help her cope with the pain.
The first step is making a consultation! Dr. Baroody will walk her through the recovery process. We can schedule an appointment at 203-790-5700!
Thanks for your share. I admire the valuable information you offer in your post for health and lifestyle.
Thank you for reading!