What Makes Someone Look Younger?

Have you ever had the not-so-pleasant experience of a co-worker, a decade your senior, assuming you were their peer based on your appearance and sadly, not your wisdom?
Thankfully there are ways to fool both technology and our co-workers. According to Yahoo! Health, there are key giveaways that reveal our age. Below are the most glaring telltale signs of aging and their respective treatments include procedures that can help reverse or at least address them to some extent. Phew!
Problem areas and Treatments:
Sun damage, including redness and sun spots

  • Chemical peels involve the use of a chemical solution to remove the damaged outer layer of the skin to reveal a smooth skin texture. It is effective for facial blemishes, wrinkles, and uneven skin pigmentation.
  • Intense pulsed light (IPL) photo facial treatment lets you say goodbye to the effects of sun damage and transforms your skin from a blotchy to radiant complexion. It is a procedure in which intense pulses of light penetrate deep into the skin causing collagen and blood vessels to constrict, reducing redness and age lines.
  • Laser skin resurfacing can help you achieve younger, more radiant skin by removing the top skin layer and producing new cells that give the skin a tighter surface.

Larger pores/dull appearance/rough texture

  • Dermapen is used to improve the appearance of scars (including certain types of acne scars), fine lines and even out skin tone. Multiple treatments provide long lasting rejuvenation and correction for face and body skin. Dr. Baroody uses the advanced Dermapen 3™ Professional medical device which may only be used in medical practices.
  • Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)

Folds of skin drooping at the corners

  • Blepharoplasty/ eyelid surgery corrects droopy eyelids by removing excess skin, muscle and fat. The removal of fat from the eyes can improve your vision and give your eyes a more youthful appearance.

Dark circles become more apparent as the skin thins

Cheeks begin to droop, creating folds around the mouth/ jowls

  • Facelift  (rhytidectomy) cannot stop the aging process. What it can do is “set back the clock,” improving the most visible signs of aging by removing excess fat, tightening underlying muscles, and redraping the skin of your face and neck
  • Dermal fillers add volume to the cheeks and can be used to contour the overall face for a balanced youthful appearance

The neck is one of the first places that practically announces one’s age

  • Neck lift gets rid of the “turkey wattle” by tightening the skin and underlying muscles improving the contour of the jawline

Lips thin with age

  • Lip enhancement using fillers adds volume

The nose gets wider with age and the tip often droops (who knew?!) Rhinoplasty (nose job) surgery reshapes and resizes the nose. A nose job can improve the harmony between the nose and face.


By focusing on parts of the body that easily give us away, we can choose to tackle the most pressing problem areas first, and thankfully have many options for doing so ranging from topical solutions, to non-invasive and surgical procedures. The value of including board-certified plastic surgeons in your skincare and anti-aging regimen is that they offer a full range of services and have a full understanding of skin, musculature and anatomy – better equipping them to help determine what procedure is best for you at any given time – and of course, handling the administration of any procedure. Think of it as the continuum of beauty! Dr. Baroody is with you for the long haul.

Call today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Baroody!

Information provided by Smart Beauty Guide 


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